Tuesday, June 2, 2009

Who DOES that?!

Kylee pooped outside, in the backyard yesterday. She was too busy to come inside. I was so mad. SERIOUSLY? what 2 year old GIRL poops outside?!?!? on the grass?!?! right off the patio?! She is NUTS!


Mandy said...

That makes me laugh! We have some friends up here who have a little boy that they are trying to potty train. Well, his dad showed him that it was okay to pee outside. So in his little mind, if it's okay to pee outside, pooping is okay too, right?

So one day he comes in and says, "Mom, I pooped!"
She says, "In your pants?"
He says, "No, outside, but don't worry, Tally ate it."

Tally is their yellow lab! Gross!!!

Steck family said...

That is totally nuts!! I hate to admit it, buut my mom said I used to do it all the time, and in front of my brothers friends!! Don't be too concerned, kensington pees in bottles now!!

Read and Camille King said...

that is so rad!!! but so gross!! maybe you should house train your little pet?

Anonymous said...

hahah! Stace..i know a little girl like that! Leah, my neice...and ky reminds me of her..sweet but crazy! Good Luck with that one!

Cheri Pryor said...

You don't know me at all...and I came here from a link on Stephanie Hansen's blog...but your story cracked me up because I totally relate.

When I was growing up we had a huge sandbox with a swingset and huge playhouse. I use to poop in the corner and cover it up with sand like all of our cats. My brother affectionately refers to it now as "Pooh Corner".

I use the toilet now, so no worries about your daughter. lol! said...

Oh Crap. That reminds me... I need to tell you a little tale from our most recent Powell trip. Maybe then you won't feel so alarmed. Luckily... it didn't involve Haven... (who's still diaper dependent p.s.) HA! I'm seriously calling you right now. Prepare to laugh yourself into labor...